- Apply an equity lens to all aspects of our business, care, and will collaborate with our community to prioritize their voices.
- Partner with others to breakthrough economic, cultural, and language barriers. We want to ensure that all receive high-quality care — regardless of income, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, or language — and can reach their full health potential.
- Enforce equitable processes and policies in hiring, promotions, and employee compensation.
- Develop ways to measure, track, and share our progress on these commitments to ensure accountability and impact.
- Revisit and update these commitments annually as part of our ongoing journey to an equitable future.
Pamela Weatherspoon, MBA (She/Her)
Vice President
Enterprise, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Engagement and Wellness
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
(626) 397-5438
[email protected]
News: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion