Patient Stories


Patient Stories



When Teo Praslin started running a fever in April 2020, he promptly got tested for COVID-19. Two of his co-workers had been diagnosed with the virus, already, so he knew he was at risk. Though Teo tested positive, he was initially well enough to return home, where he quarantined in a separate area of the […]

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In late March 2020, Rachel Galluppi went into labor — 35 weeks into her pregnancy. She and her husband, Francis, rushed to Huntington Hospital. After examining Rachel, caregivers determined that her baby was in breech position. Rachel would need a cesarean section right away. Only an hour after the Galluppis arrived at the hospital, baby […]

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When Shawn Lau said his chest was hurting when he breathed, his mom, Marianne, was worried — especially in light of the current pandemic. Tests revealed that the cause of the high school student’s discomfort was not COVID-19, but some abnormalities in his lungs. “The doctor told us we needed to go to the emergency department […]

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When Lily Huang was injured going down a pool slide at the age of 6, her mother, Yanling Ma, rushed her to Huntington Hospital. Lily was born here and Yanling knew she could trust us. Lily’s injuries were serious enough that she needed to stay at the hospital for care and observation over several days. […]

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Pete Sanchez was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2010. After discussing his treatment options with his physician, he decided to have surgery. Pete was referred to Armen Dikranian, MD, our medical director of robotic surgery, for a partial nephrectomy. This delicate procedure removes the tumor while saving the kidney. The minimally invasive procedure was a […]

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One of Jim Horstman’s favorite pastimes is hiking. Over time, though, pain in his knees made it hard to finish long hikes. He turned to Mark Jo, MD, an orthopedic specialist at Huntington Hospital, for help. Jim learned he had osteoarthritis — a condition in which the protective cartilage at the tips of the bones […]

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It was a Saturday afternoon when Salpie and Nishan Basmadjian got the call — the call no parent wants to receive. Their son, Vartan, had been in a car accident, and it was bad. He had been rushed to Huntington Hospital for care. Salpie and Nishan raced here in turn, to see him. When they […]

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As a young, lively working mom of three, Tina Gocke always considered herself a healthy person. Yes, she had occasional migraines and fatigue, but she chalked those symptoms up to a busy life. Tina’s life changed in September 2017, when she was outside playing with her kids. Suddenly she was unable to hold her water […]

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Tim Sullivan is an active guy. He has run marathons, completed triathlons and climbed mountains. When he started having pain in his hip, he ignored it at first. When it got worse, he tried physical therapy, but it soon became clear the problem was more serious than he had initially thought. Before the pain started, […]

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At age 86, Sarah Raskin benefited from one of the latest innovations in cardiac surgery at Huntington Hospital. She had a transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), which is a less invasive option for patients than open-heart surgery. “I had a history of atrial fibrillation and my health was failing,” says Sarah. “I was in need […]

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