Senior Care Network Programs


Senior Care Network Programs & Services

Senior Care Network is committed to providing free or low-cost programs to the community to help seniors and caregivers find services, coordinate care and live independently. 

50+ Health Connection Membership Program

50+ Health Connection is Senior Care Network’s free membership program that helps community residents age 50 and over save money and keep up to date on health issues. The program offers monthly lectures as part of our Noon Hour series. 

Assisted Living Waiver (ALW) 

Assisted Living Waiver is a Medi-Cal funded program that provides options for frail older adults and individuals with disabilities to reside in an assisted living facility as an alternative to a skilled nursing facility.

Caregiver Support

Caregiver Support is available for family members looking after a loved one through one-on-one consultation and support and education groups. 

Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP)

The Multipurpose Senior Services Program is a publicly funded program for very frail adults with disabilities aged 65 and older who are on Medi-Cal and qualify for placement in a skilled nursing facility.

Resource Center

Our Resource Center provides free telephone information and assistance on community resources related to aging and disability needs, health, and caregiving. 

Senior CareLine

Senior CareLine is a social call program where Huntington volunteers connect with adults in the community for friendly conversation.