Assisted Living Waiver Program

The Assisted Living Waiver Program (ALW) provides options for older adults and individuals with disabilities to live in an assisted living facility rather than a skilled nursing facility. 

Featured Services: 

  • Assessment by a nurse 
  • A personalized care plan to address health, safety and social concerns 
  • Monthly contact with a social worker 
  • Advocacy for resident needs in the assisted living facility 
  • Medi-Cal pays for services at the assisted living facility, however the resident is responsible to pay for their own room and board. 

To be eligible for this program, you must: 

  • Be 21 or older 
  • Have Medi-Cal with no share of cost 
  • Need help with daily activities, such as:
    • Taking a shower 
    • Getting dressed 
    • Going to the restroom 
    • Moving around the house 
    • Managing medications 
    • Preparing and eating food 
  • Be willing and safely able to live in an assisted living facility where ALW is provided 

Senior Care Network is a Care Coordination Agency (CCA) for the Assisted Living Waiver program and works with several assisted living facilities who accept the waiver.  See our interest packet below for a list of facilities we work with. ALW is administered by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS).  

**There is currently a waitlist for this program** 

To be screened for this program and place your name on the waitlist, complete the form below or call  (800) 664-4664  or  (626) 397-3110 and select option 1. 
