Huntington Baby Virtual Live Classes
Having a baby is one of the most exciting, life-changing moments you’ll ever experience. Huntington Baby’s safe, family-centered care is focused on giving your baby the best possible start to life, and ensuring that you are prepared for baby.
Huntington Hospital is excited to support you and your partner with FREE virtual prenatal educational classes taught live online, by certified providers through our partners at BabyLiveAdviceTM.
Live Online Prenatal Education Classes:
Class Descriptions
Childbirth Preparation
Feel ready to have your baby? Worried about what labor will feel like? Unsure about birth plans? Join us for our 3-part childbirth preparation series. Each class is 90 min long, includes a Q&A time with a birth educator and covers:
- Class 1: Overview of Labor and Delivery
- Class 2: Comfort measures and pain medications
- Class 3: Interventions and C-sections and Recovering from childbirth
Breastfeeding may be “natural” for babies, but for most new parents, it is a learned skill. Join our nationally recognized lactation consultants to learn all about breastfeeding, how to get off to a great start and how to address common challenges many new families may experience. This 3-part series offers 90 minutes of class time and includes opportunities to ask questions directly to a lactation consultant.
- Class 1: Making Milk: How the Breasts Work to Make Plenty of Milk for Your Baby
- Class 2: Breastfeeding Essentials: Position, Latch, and Common Concerns
- Class 3: Sustaining Breastfeeding: How to Keep Breastfeeding Strong
Caring For Baby
Congratulations! Soon your baby will be here and will need your help with everything! In this class we provide you with early guidance on how newborns look and change in the first 12 weeks.
- Class 1: Bringing your newborn home- the first 3 months
- Class 2: Baby Behavior – how to “read” your baby + parenting skills
- Class 3: Parenting, return to work and emotional wellbeing of you and baby
- Class 4: Techniques to connect with, comfort, and calm yourself and your baby
Infant CPR
Every parent should know how and when to perform CPR because administering CPR improperly can be harmful to your child. The Family & Friends CPR Course teaches the lifesaving skills of Infants & Toddlers. Infant and child CPR using breaths and mild and severe airway block for children, and infants. Skills are taught in a dynamic zoom group environment using the AHA’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which provides students with the most hands-on CPR practice time possible.
Diabetes and Pregnancy
This one-hour class will cover what’s going on in your body, the risks of leaving diabetes untreated, and what you can do best to take care of yourself and your baby.
Pregnancy Nutrition
Learn how to best support your health and the health of your developing baby through nutrition. This one-hour class will cover normal nutrition, vitamins, and supplements, what to avoid, and what to include. Bring your questions and our nutritionists will have the answers!