
Bill H

Bill H

It had been a few weeks since Bill Hendrickson began experiencing a burning sensation in his abdomen. He was out to dinner with his wife, Teresa, and a few friends. “After we finished our meal and were getting ready to leave,” Bill says, “the pain became very severe. I even had trouble walking to the car.”

Teresa immediately called Bill’s primary care physician, Eva Poon, MD, who told them Bill was likely suffering from a hernia, which is when an internal organ or other body part protrudes through the wall of muscle or tissue that normally contains it.  Dr. Poon referred Bill to surgeon Wes Powell, MD, another Huntington Hospital-affiliated physician. Arrangements were made for Bill to see Dr. Powell right away. “I could immediately feel Dr. Powell’s compassion for me,” Bill says.

Bill was diagnosed with a double hernia, a potentially dangerous condition. It would require surgery, and soon.  On the day of his operation, his surgical team made Bill feel at ease in what can be a stressful situation. “I was really impressed by the operating room personnel; everyone was so attentive and kind,” he says. “They did an incredible job and I couldn’t ask for a better experience.” He was able to go home the same day.

These days, Bill is feeling great. He is back to playing golf and publishing the Boulevard Sentinel, a local news source for residents of Northeast Los Angeles. He appreciates Dr. Poon, Dr. Powell and the other staff members who cared for him. “I’m grateful for all of them, and for Huntington Hospital itself,” Bill says. “I feel lucky to have a hospital that offers such amazing care so close to home.”

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