Lung Health

Resources for healthy lungs

Together We Can Breathe Easier

Huntington Hospital is your partner for lung health. Today, many are facing challenges to their respiratory health. Our multidisciplinary team of pulmonary experts is focused on helping everyone in the community breathe easier.

Respiratory Health

These are challenging and unprecedented times. With the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic, it seems that we are even more unlucky as we deal with local fires that bring smoke and poor air quality. I have told my patients to not lose hope. We have improved our techniques with treating COVID-19. Hospitalizations and death rates are declining. The scientific community is working hard to find a vaccine for the virus. ” 

-Daryl Banta, MD
Medical Director, Pulmonology and Critical Care

Dr. Banta provides information on respiratory issues facing our community today, ranging from COVID and wildfire smoke to vaping, in our “Doc Talk: Lung Health – together we can breathe easier.”

Huntington Hospital’s respiratory experts provide assessment, treatment, management, control, diagnostic evaluation and care for patients experiencing lung disease or other respiratory issues.

We provide advanced therapies in critical care and our emergency department, as well as inpatient, outpatient and diagnostic lab settings.

Learn more about Respiratory Services at Huntington Hospital.

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness with, which can cause shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, among other symptoms. Huntington Hospital is committed to ensuring the lung health of our patients as we confront COVID-19.

Together we can keep our community healthy during COVID-19. Learn what Huntington Hospital is doing.

In his recent Doc Talk, Dr. Banta spoke about the impact that COVID-19 can have on lung health, for healthy individuals or those with lung disease like COPD.

Read Dr. Banta’s Doc Talk “Lung Health – together we can breathe easier”

With multiple wildfires burning in California, residents in the community
may be experiencing respiratory issues.

Dr. Banta’s Doc Talk provides information about the dangers of wildfire smoke inhalation, and what you can do to protect yourself as wildfires continue to be a reality in
Southern California.

Read Dr. Banta’s Doc Talk “Lung Health – together we can breathe easier”

Vaping is an alternative to smoking cigarettes, and a growing trend. Many patients are concerned about the long-term effects of vaping.

In a recent Doc Talk, Dr. Banta shared the most common questions his patients ask him about vaping.

Read Dr. Banta’s Doc Talk “Top five questions about vaping”

Lung Cancer

Our Lung Cancer team is highly trained in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer, as well as recovery support. Our doctors, nurses and navigators work together to create a customized treatment plan and guide you through diagnosis, treatment and continued support for your recovery.

Led by Robbin Cohen, MD, Medical Director, Thoracic Oncology, Huntington Hospital’s lung cancer program stresses that early detection is critical to lung cancer outcomes. We offer comprehensive screening and diagnostic services. 

Learn more about our lung cancer program here.